Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look at Other Investing Options Like Real Estate Investment Trusts - REITs

Now is the Time for Real Estate Investment Trusts

If you have been watching all the shifts in the investing markets, you may be a little worried about putting your money into any of them right now. Things have been falling and falling, how do you know where it will be safe to put your cash?

Perhaps it's time to look at some of the other investing options out there like real estate. I am not talking about running around and buying up any extra lots of property you happen to see around you. That comes with a lot of responsibilities and major outlay up front. Not only do you have to have the money to purchase the whole property, but you also have to be able to take care of it and maintain and manage it after the fact. This is a lot to ask for in an investment.

Instead, you may want to look into another type of real estate investing, real estate investment trusts. Real estate investment trusts or REITs are funds where you purchase shares of the investment and a real estate management group of real estate development group uses that money to purchase, build or maintain property ventures. You essentially fund a portion of a property acquisition and management group.

In return for your investment, you will be paid a portion of any profit that the company makes, much like a stock dividend.

While you may be wondering how wise it is to consider real estate in today's tough market, this is exactly why it may be a good time to look at a little more investing. Here's why. Sure, there has been a tough time for the markets. Lending has dropped, defaults on properties are on the rise. We're in tough credit times.

But now let's look at the positive side of things. Most think the slide has slowed and will soon be stopping. Add this to the fact that those capital markets that REITs use to get their funding for expansion and other purchases are low and that means the chances for REITs to get the capital they want to expand has dropped, for now. While you may think this is a bad sign, the truth is this is a time when the value of REITs is lower, meaning you can get in at a lower price. As things settle and go back to normal, your profits will go up and you will see an even greater return on your investment.

This is the time to log onto a website like REITBuyer.com and find out what REITs are out there, what they are selling for and get yourself in on this low tide so you can enjoy the ride when the financial wave picks up again.

With the other option being putting all of your money away and seeing no growth, what would you prefer?

Money Making Guru Robert G. Allen may have said it best saying, "How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case."


Real Estate Investment Trust – Building Your Bank Account

Have you ever wished that you could just make the right investments to the point where you could sit back and watch them grow? Perhaps you are not doing the right things with your money.

Many people who are looking for a long-term way to see constant increases on their investments choose to look into the REIT market as a way of seeing their money go further.

REITs are real estate investment trusts. In many cases, investors purchase REITs then sit back and let the monthly dividend check come in. From time to time they are able to purchase more shares and then watch larger divided checks come in.

The reason many people like REITs is that for the most part they are long-term investment options that are strong and stable. Since they are based on real estate holdings, and property always has value, they are a wise investment choice.

In the short term, this is a nice way to see a little money grow in your account from month to month. In the long term, if you play things right, it could end up meaning a lot of money down the road to the point where you have enough to live off of.

Having enough to live off of doesn’t happen over night. So, you need to start investing now to allow that little bundle of money time to grow into a major nest egg.

Begin by getting to know REITs. You should always have a good grounding on any type of investment that you are thinking of putting your money into. After all this is your hard earned cash you are putting into someone else's hands. Make sure you know what they are going to do with it and that you are confident they are going to take good care of it.

While you could search all over for the information you need, it's easier to do one stop shopping at REITBuyer.com. They are an investing real estate broker that also has a website that is meant to be the place to get all the information you need on the REIT market.

If you have never worked with REITs before, you can begin with the basic education on what REITs are and how they work. Then you can progress into the research section that will help you find REITs in your area of interest and find out how they have been doing as well as any analysis of those REITs and what they should be doing for the future.

When you're ready to make a purchase, you can also use the REITBuyer.com website to buy and sell your REITs and keep track of your portfolio.

Many people want financial freedom to happen overnight. It doesn't. It takes time, smart investments and smart decisions throughout the lifetime of those investments. But the important thing is to get started because the sooner you do the sooner those long term investments can get to work for you.